5 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day with Your Child


Every year on Earth Day, we celebrate the world we live in and everything it provides for us. Our food, water and shelter all originate from natural resources. This year, the theme for the April 22 celebration is “Restore Our Earth.” By observing Earth Day with your child, you can help them understand the importance of restoring the planet. Here are a few ways you can celebrate Earth Day as a family:

Plant Food or Flowers

Well-nourished plants are gifts that keep on giving. By planting flowers that haven’t bloomed yet or vegetables that start out as seeds, you can show your child the wonders of nature long after Earth Day has passed. Encouraging your child to develop a green thumb at a young age will foster a long-lasting connection to nature. With our tropical climate, some plants grow better than others. If you’re looking to grow sustainable food, consider tomatoes and zucchini or herbs like basil and mint. If you want to add beauty to your yard, consider a flowering shrub like a firebush. Your child will learn about nature, science and the rewards of working to keep plants alive.

Teach Your Child About Conservation

Recycling helps the environment, but reducing consumption of resources does even more. Take a moment to go over eco-friendly habits with your child, like turning the water off while brushing their teeth and unplugging devices that aren’t in use. Teaching your child to conserve now will help them become more responsible as they grow older. Water and electricity are limited resources; treating them that way can help save the world and, as a bonus, lower your utility bills. 


Be Mindful About Transportation

If your child knows how to ride a bike, this could be a good opportunity to encourage them to use their bike to get to nearby places. If not, it might be a good time to teach them. You could go for a bike ride or walk together to explore the neighborhood. Talk to your child about carbon emissions that come from vehicles, and consider whether you’ve been driving when another method of transportation could make more sense.

Use Your Tote Bags

Chances are, you have tote bags lying around the house or hiding in the trunk. When you go shopping, encourage your child to bring the reusable bags. Let them be part of the experience, and explain how single-use plastic bags harm the environment. While it’s easiest to use these bags for grocery shopping, keep in mind that you can use them at any store. Getting into the habit of using reusable bags or refusing plastic bags for items you can carry will set a great example for your child. 


Buy Reusable Water Bottles

Encourage everyone in your household to drink water from reusable bottles, and explain the environmental impact to your child. Despite our efforts to recycle plastic water bottles, they often end up in landfills and in the ocean. Aside from the environmental impact, having a reusable water bottle is convenient. Carrying a water bottle with you will encourage you to drink more water, and you’ll save money you’d otherwise be spending on single-use bottles. Taking this step can save the planet from hundreds of water bottles your family would be using every year.

At our schools, we encourage students to learn about the Earth so they can appreciate its natural resources. The top Polk County private schools foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us online


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