Explaining Thanksgiving to Your Toddler

As Thanksgiving approaches, your toddler may start to have questions: "What's Thanksgiving about?" “Who were the pilgrims?” "Why do we eat turkey?" Indulge your child's curious nature by taking the time to talk about what this special day means. The top Catholic schools in Polk County have some advice on how you can explain Thanksgiving to your toddler.

Why We're Thankful
The core theme of Thanksgiving is right there in the name — it's a day to give thanks. You can teach your child the value of gratitude by connecting to why we celebrate Thanksgiving. Telling the story of the first pilgrims and the feast they shared with the Native Americans will help your child understand the value of helping others and of giving thanks to those who have helped you. You can also talk to your child about what you are thankful for, and encourage her to share some things she feels grateful for.

Screen-Free Family Time
It can be tempting to sit in front of the TV all day with all the fun Thanksgiving programming on — parades, dog shows, and football games galore! But try to make some time to turn off the screens and focus on being present with your family. By doing so, you can show your toddler that Thanksgiving is an important time for connecting with our loved ones.

Dinner Table Talk
The Turkey Day feast is the centerpiece of this special holiday, and it's also the perfect time to talk to your child about the meaning of Thanksgiving. Saying grace before the meal brings this tradition back to its theme of giving thanks for God's blessings. While you dig in, you can talk to your toddler about where all the food came from, and how it was prepared. Connecting the food in front of her to the effort that went into making it can help your child appreciate what she has, which is what Thanksgiving is all about.

Create Something Together
You can enjoy quality time with your toddler by making something with her to celebrate the Thanksgiving festivities. Invite her into the kitchen to help you stuff the turkey, mash the potatoes, or prepare the pumpkin pie. Or, try making a fun Thanksgiving craft together. Your toddler will love getting to make something special with you, and you'll cherish the memories you make together long after the last slice of pie is eaten.

At schools in Polk County, we foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact the Office of Catholic Schools at the Diocese of Orlando by dialing 407-246-4800.


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