Ways to Improve Your Child’s Handwriting

Are you having a hard time reading your child’s writing? The best schools in Polk County provide tips to improve your child’s handwriting. It’s not just about putting the pencil to the paper. Fine-tune his writing skills, develop his motor skills, and build his confidence with just a few exercises. 


Find the Problem
Normally, there’s a reason why your child’s handwriting problems occur. Some common reasons include sizing, spacing between words, line-alignment, and letter formation. Have your child concentrate on his challenges. Be sure he’s using both of his hands to control the pencil and the paper.

Focus on the Grasp
The way your child holds the pencil is the key to how he writes. To write legibly and efficiently, there are two ways to grasp the writing tool: the quadruped grasp and the tripod. Take a look at this chart that displays the different ways to develop pencil grasps.

Practicing Should Be Fun
Spice up his writing with a special pencil or colorful ones. Make it fun by incorporating games and anagrams. Have him think of some themes so he is excited to write! Eventually, he will develop the physical demands of writing, such as holding the pencil, posture, coordination, and control. Don’t just rely on pencils and paper — think outside the box! Have him spell out words in the sandbox, or on a steamy mirror. Practicing, even with his finger, sparks his creativity and helps him to  find writing enjoyable.

Switch it Up
If your child is having a hard time using a standard pencil, switch it up! He can use pencils of various sizes and colors, or even use pens. Make sure he has erasers with him so he’s prepared for mistakes. Reassure him mistakes happen and that’s what erasers are for. You can even purchase tools like pencil grips that aid in posture correction.

Don’t let your child’s messy handwriting get you both down! At the schools in Polk County, we foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact the Office of Catholic Schools at the Diocese of Orlando by dialing 407-246-4800.


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