New Year, New Study Habits

The turkey’s been eaten, the Christmas tree has been taken down, and the ball has dropped in Times Square. That can only mean one thing: it’s time to go back to school. Cue the groans from children and cheers from parents. As much as your children may be anticipating the new school semester, it’s important that they don’t fall prey to the winter blues! Here are a few study tips to help them get good grades this semester.Think PositivelyHelp your child shift her mindset, and to replace any negative thoughts about subjects she struggles with phrases such as, “I enjoy learning new things,” “I try my hardest at school,” and “Studying is important — I want to work hard and improve.” The study process will go much more smoothly if she can view studying as an important and even enjoyable task.Plan to StudyFor most students, if it isn’t planned in advance, study time isn’t going to happen. Encourage your child to think about when she learns best. Is she an early bird or a night owl? Then, help her commit to studying for an hour or two at the same time of day, multiple days of the week.Pick a Study SpaceThe location in which students study plays a big part in their success. Some students need complete silence, while others function best with a little white noise, such as in a coffee shop. The more your child can learn about herself and her learning style, the better. Wherever she chooses to hold her study sessions, make sure to remove all distractions. She may think she can get done faster if she types her notes, but a computer with internet access may be too distracting, and she’d be better off writing by notes hand.Choose the Challenging TasksCompleting the most challenging assignment first can help students get more work accomplished. It’s all too easy to procrastinate, but your child should get into a habit of making herself do the thing she’s least looking forward to first, while she’s focused and alert. She’ll get it done more easily, and the rest of the assignments will pale in comparison!At Polk County private schools, we foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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