Scrabble is One of the Best Games for Kids


Did you know that Scrabble is one of the best games for your child to play? Keep your child engaged by having him play one of the most educational games ever. Not only is it a fun pastime, but it will help him improve valuable skills.  

Spelling and Vocabulary
If your child struggles with spelling or is learning how to put sentences together, Scrabble is the game to play! Teachers often recommend Scrabble because it improves both spelling and vocabulary. By putting letters together to form words, your child will grasp the spellings and learn their meanings. 

Spark Creativity
Because the game requires your child to form words, it gives him the opportunity to tap into his creativity. Scrabble challenges him to think of more and more unique words that are not already placed on the board, with the goal of gaining points and winning the game.

Build Strategy
In Scrabble, players need to plan their words and get rid of as many tiles by the end of the game. Building strategy, taking risks, and problem-solving are all essential life skills that can be developed in this board game.

Learning Through Play
The thought of learning might sound like work for your child and scare him. If you foster learning through play, your child will get excited about learning new things. Through creative play, he will boost his language ability and learn life skills in such a fun way. 

Math Skills
Not only does this classic board game teach language skills, but it also teaches your child basic math. Each letter of the alphabet has a specific amount of points. Your child would use his addition and multiplication methods to calculate the number of points he wins. 

Emotional Wellbeing
Scrabble offers entertainment, sure, but it also fosters emotional wellbeing. You will be spending happy time as a family, while laughing and having a fun time free of any stress. Scrabble improves your child’s social skills because it requires group play. You all get to compete — all in good fun!

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