Ways to Pray on Vacation

Summer is about to be here and it’s time for a vacation. But vacations can be time-consuming, and prayer can be all too easy to push to tomorrow. Do you feel like you didn’t maintain your prayer routine on your last trip? Did you find it hard to concentrate on God while at the beach? Remaining prayerful while traveling can be hard, but Polk County private schools have compiled a list of ways to stay in conversation with Jesus during those busy times.Go to ChurchDon’t let prayer take the backseat while driving to your destination. Make visiting local churches part of your holiday! With more than 1.2 million churches around the world, you will have no problem finding one in your travels. Attending a new Sunday Mass can be a refreshing and cultural experience for the children.Play a Praise Podcast or PlaylistListen to praise podcasts or worship songs while in the car, flying in a plane, relaxing on a boat, or riding a train. Considering how long commutes can take, there is plenty of time to connect with God through podcasts and music. Here is a great list of Catholic podcasts.Bring a Prayer JournalBecause there are so many distractions when on your journey, finding a quiet space to pray is difficult. Writing down your prayers and thoughts gives you a private moment with Jesus even if you are surrounded by a crowd of people. Document all the times you see God out in the world. A small notebook is easy to pack and carry around.Walk with GodOne of the best places to be with God is in nature. Visit the beach, or take a hike on a nature trail. Let your children walk freely so they can feel Jesus’ presence with them. Find a peaceful place that brings you joy, and praise God for everything He has done for you.Psalm in Your PalmCellphone apps give you the power of prayer right in the palm of your hands. A Bible may not be able to travel with you, but your phone always does. Apps such as Laudate provide prayer resources. Easily access daily prayers, readings, and guided Rosaries with just a press of a button.At Polk County private schools, we foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact the Office of Catholic Schools at the Diocese of Orlando by dialing 407-246-4800.


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