World Health Day


World Health Day is approaching on April 7th, and it’s a great time to remind your child about the importance of her health. Teach your child how to be healthy with these tips from the best schools in Polk County; when you start young, she can develop lifelong habits! Be sure to always check with your child’s doctor before making any major changes.

Eating Well
Show your child what eating right looks like. Let her know that food with a lot of nutrients is what helps her body grow. A diet full of fruits and vegetables, plus lean protein and whole grains, is what gives her the energy she needs to focus on her academics and participate in afterschool activities. Take her grocery shopping so she can pick out some of her favorite fruits and vegetables. Showing her how you eat your vegetables and limiting your junk food sets a good example.

No “Good” or “Bad” Food
While educating your child, don’t call food items “good” or bad.” It’s important to note that all foods can be eaten in their diet. Foods high in nutrition are always a go, while they should keep the less healthy foods, such as sweets, to a minimum. Less nutrition doesn’t mean they are completely banned, but they should be more conscious about those choices. Rather than saying these are “bad” foods, you can simply say they will make her body and teeth feel yucky.

Identifying Hunger
Sometimes when we are bored or dehydrated, we feel like we are hungry when we are actually not. Avoid stocking up on eye-catching, drool-worthy snacks that do nothing for your family’s bodies. The temptation of bags of chips and candy can play tricks on her tummy. To distract her from these temptations, reduce screen time and keep her active. 

Routines, Not Rules
Your child’s everyday meals should include the key food groups. Be consistent with the right foods, so that any non-healthy choices can be a treat. Give her a role in the cooking process to help her learn all the tips and tricks to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Make sure you are eating dinner as a family to model good behavior patterns. No lectures, just a consistent routine will do the job.

Portion Size
The key to being healthy is not about what your child is eating, but how much she is eating. Like we mentioned earlier, moderation is important and treats are acceptable. It all comes down to the amount. The portions depend on the food group, such as just a handful of nuts or protein the size of her palm. Go over the nutrition labels with her to identify serving sizes.

At the top schools in Polk County, we foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact the Office of Catholic Schools at the Diocese of Orlando by dialing 407-246-4800.


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