Celebrating The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Catholics celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15th every year. Also called “The Holy Day of Obligation,” this holy feast observes Mary’s death and her soul being received by Christ. Unlike traditional human deaths, her body was resurrected and taken to heaven, body and soul. Benedictus antiphon from the Daily Office asks us to “see the beauty of the daughter of Jerusalem, who ascended to heaven like the rising sun at dawn.” Teach your child all about this significant day in our Catholic faith, and celebrate by honoring Our Mother with these religious activities! 

Assumption day is a first-fruits harvest feast day, so it is traditional to bless herbs, fruit, and flowers. Incorporate all of these items into your dishes. Consider baking a blueberry-strawberry cobbler in honor of Our Lady. The color blue is symbolic of the sky and heaven, thus representing Her physical departure from Earth. Salads are also an excellent way to incorporate all of these elements. Your child will love this Magical Rainbow Fruit Salad with Herbs and Flowers, which combines all of the blessed ingredients. Prepare the feast together as a bonding activity. Give your child age-appropriate tasks, such as measuring out portions, stirring ingredients, and washing the produce. Having dinner together as a family has an abundance of benefits, especially while honoring Our Mother.

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Attend Mass
Attending mass is the most important thing you and your child should do on this day. You can attend in-person worship at your home parish, or live stream mass from local parishes. Sing “Immaculate Mary,” and pray the “Assumption Novena” and “Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary” together as a family.  

Arts and crafts are a child’s favorite activity, and a beautiful way to honor the Virgin Mary. There are many coloring pages and full books that can be found online, including Fenestrae Fidei: A Coloring Companion for Catholic Mosaic that features images of saints and feast days from throughout the Liturgical year. The drawings are designed to look like stained-glass windows. Make a homemade Catholic triptych, which demonstrates three dogmas related to Mary: Immaculate Conception, Assumption into Heaven, and as Queen of Heaven and Earth. Display your child’s artwork in a prominent place!

At-Home Adoration
Honor Our Mother right from home by creating an adoration space dedicated to Her. Display a statue or image of Mary, then place flowers and votive candles around them. You and your child can use his prayer kit, listen to praise music, and read the Scripture. Incorporating storytime is another great way to honor the Blessed Virgin. Consider “Mary My Mother” by Father Lovasik and “The Life of Mary for Children” by Sr. Karen Cavanaugh

With these activities, your child will learn more about Our Lady and feel more connected to her. The top Catholic schools located in Polk County foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact the Office of Catholic Schools at the Diocese of Orlando by dialing 407-246-4800.


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