How to Get Your Child Excited About Going Back to School


Being at home more and spending endless summer days being lazy can make even the most studious child feel a bit of dread going back to school. Waking up early, spending hours in class, and then coming home to do homework can feel tiresome for anybody. But we’re sure your child can get over this feeling of dread quickly. Get your child motivated for school with these tips from the Western Diocese, one of the best private schools in Polk County.

Develop a Good Routine
Children do best with routines because consistency is key. Create a schedule that not only includes schoolwork, but playtime as well. Allow breaks in the schedule so he doesn’t feel burned out and resentful. Establish and implement clear objectives and be consistent with them. Any sidetrack can deter their motivation and affect their behavior. Set realistic goals and expectations that are attainable. When he has completed them successfully, he will feel so good and confident about his accomplishments that he will want to do more. 

Create a Study Area
An at-home study area can help keep your child inspired and motivated. Set it up in a comfortable setting, where there are specific rules like no food or phones. Have him decorate it with his favorite items that will keep him happy and inspired to do his work.  


Challenge Strengths
Is there a particular study area that your child excels in and is excited about? Encourage those strengths and remind your child that he will get to participate in the classes he does best in. Whether it’s a science class or an elective, your child will be able to play on his strengths and find joy in the school environment. 

Encourage Socialization
Your child has spent a great deal of time away from their teachers and friends. Although schoolwork is an important part of the education experience, socialization is just as crucial. Reassure your child that he will be able to interact and socialize with his peers while at school. During recess and lunchtime, he will be able to chat and enjoy conversations with his friends. Balancing socializing and studying is the key to a happy, healthy child and educational process.

Emphasize the Importance of School
Your child should understand the importance of school. Talk to him about how reading can open up their imagination and so many other doors. And that subjects like math can be used everywhere, even at home, in the kitchen, and in their favorite games. Stress the fun side of learning, and explain that excelling in their classes now with help prepare them for the future. College is just around the corner, so he needs to know he is taking the right steps to get there. Create a positive correlation between the classes and real life, by also providing real-life examples of success in grade-school courses. 

With these activities, your child will learn more about Our Lady and feel more connected to her. The top private schools in Polk County foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact the Office of Catholic Schools at the Diocese of Orlando by dialing 407-246-4800.


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