How STREAM Learning Benefits Your Child


As a parent, you have likely heard of STEM learning. STEM, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, leaves out components of a well-rounded education. We emphasize STREAM learning at our Polk county private schools, adding art and religion in the mix. We believe a Christ-centered education incorporating several elements is key to helping children grow into compassionate critical thinkers.  

Religion and Science

Rather than compartmentalizing religion and science, STREAM education shows students how to integrate the two. Teach your child about religious scientists who made major scientific discoveries, as well as saints who worked as scientists, such as Saint Giuseppe Moscati, whose biochemical research led to the discovery of insulin as a treatment for diabetics. Show children how to learn more about God by looking deeper into what He has created through science. With technology evolving at a rapid pace, a background in math and science will help your child understand the world.


Art and Engineering

By incorporating the lens of God into every lesson, our teachers allow students to understand how each subject applies to their faith. For example, teaching children about faith illuminated in art will help them understand the intersection between the two. Stained glass windows are a perfect example, as they have an artistic and engineering background, as well as a religious one. By learning about art and engineering, students can apply creativity and critical thinking to other subjects. 


Technology and Math 

Even if your child is more into numbers, there is always room for STREAM. Link communication in the outside world to communication in the digital world to help your child understand how technology and the human element intersect. Remind your child that even in STEM fields, communication and creativity are essential. Explain how engineering and design come together in building churches. Find and explain the mathematical elements behind their favorite faith-based songs. For more practical lessons, we have some fun STREAM projects we recommend that will help get your child interested in all aspects of the mind. 

With a STREAM education program like the one we provide at our Polk county private schools, children learn to adapt to modern times and become well-rounded, successful adults. This style of teaching gives them space to explore, question, and go through trial and error to find the best solutions. At our schools, we foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us online.


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